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A savings account with an initial balance of {{ base | formatNumber('0,0.00') }}, a constant monthly income of {{ monthly | formatNumber('0,0.00') }}, and an annual interest rate of {{ rate }}% will have an ending balance of {{ duration }} in {{ result.c1Total | formatNumber('0,0.00') }} month.

Total savings amount Accrued cash Earned interest
{{ result.c1Total | formatNumber('0,0.00') }} ₮ {{ result.c1Saving | formatNumber('0,0.00') }} ₮ {{ result.c1Interest | formatNumber('0,0.00') }} ₮

Savings chart

Date Interest calculation days Calculated interest Saved money Total amount Accrued interest
Date Interest calculation days Calculated interest Saved money Total amount Accrued interest
{{record.date}} {{record.mdays}} {{record.interest | formatNumber('0,0.00') }} {{record.saving | formatNumber('0,0.00')}} {{record.total | formatNumber('0,0.00')}} {{record.totalInterest | formatNumber('0,0.00')}}