Insurance brokerage
Property insurance
An owner and holder of any material property (such as an apartment building, private house, land, house, ger, furniture, electric appliances, equipment, heavy cargo transport vehicles and heavy machinery) can subscribe for this insurance product to protect his property against any possible risks and prevent from any consequences which might occur.
- Information about the owner - ID card, legal entity certificate;
- The property certificate and other documents;
- The property name, model, serial number and other information;
- Market value of the property or financial documents of purchase;
Vehicle insurance
This type of the insurance aims to protect the vehicle against possible risks and damages caused by natural force major events, intentional or unintentional actions by a third party, robbery or burglary, while the vehicle was moving or parking.
- Information about the owner- ID card, certificate of the legal entity;
- The vehicle certificate and other documents;
- The vehicle name, model, serial number and other information;
- Market value of the vehicle or financial documents of purchase.
Drivers’ liability compulsory insurance
The damages caused to other people’s life, health or property due to a driver’s negligent driving will be compensated by insurance indemnification of up to MNT 5,000,000 and 10,000,000.
- Information about the owner- ID card, legal entity’s certificate;
- The vehicle’s certificate and other documents;
- The vehicle’s make, model, serial number and other information.
Personal accident insurance
This type of insurance aims to provide compensation to the insured and his family in case of his/her temporary loss of labor capacity, partial permanent loss, full permanent loss of labor capacity or death due to all types of sudden accidents happened to the insured ones during their work hours, on the work place or at any place in the territory of Mongolia at any time.
- Copy of the insured’s ID card, phone number, e-mail address;
- Documents verifying the insured’s employments and position;
- Copy of ID card, phone number and e-mail address of an individual qualified for compensation.
Даатгалын зуучлалын эрхтэй ажилтнууд
Санхүүгийн зохицуулах хороо болон холбогдох мэргэжлийн холбоодын хамтран зохион байгуулсан даатгалын зуучлагчийн эрх олгох сургалтад хамрагдаж, шалгалтад тэнцсэн ажилтнуудын мэдээлэлтэй танилцана уу.